black blue and yellow textile

More About Sociocracy

Here you can find other sources for knowledge about sociocracy


Film, videos, presentations, interviews, and other digital media

Children sittning in a sociocratic meeting. One girl talking while the other children are listening.Children sittning in a sociocratic meeting. One girl talking while the other children are listening.
Sociocracy: thinking smarter together | John Buck | TEDxUMD

TEDx presentation that gives an analogy of sociocracy to how an octopus controls its arms.

Power to the Children

We can arrange a screening of the documentary Power to the Children.

Articles/scientific articles

Document for download

From Competition and Collusion to Consent-Based

Collaboration: A Case Study of Local Democracy

A. Georges L. Romme, Jan Broekgaarden, Carien Huijzer, Annewiek Reijmer & Rob A. I. van der Eyden

Shows how sociocracy can improve democracy at the municipal level.

Creating the conditions for reflective team practices: examining sociocracy as a self-organizing governance model that promotes transformative learning

Renee L. Owen & John A. Buck

Shows how sociocracy leads to a school that works better with better results.

white and brown concrete building


We the People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy, 1 September 2017

Engelska utgåvan av John Buck (Författare), Sharon Villines (Författare)

ISBN-10: 097928273X

ISBN-13: 978-0979282737

Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy: Survive & Thrive on Disruption Pocketbok – Illustrerad, 20 januari 2020

Engelska utgåvan av Jutta Eckstein (Författare), John Buck (Författare)

ISBN-10: 394799107X

ISBN-13: 978-3947991075

Many Voices One Song: Shared Power with Sociocracy Pocketbok – Illustrerad, 6 Augusti 2023

Engelska utgåvan av Ted J Rau (Författare), Jerry Koch-Gonzalez (Författare)

ISBN-10: 1949183009

ISBN-13: 978-1949183009

Let's Decide Together: Practicing Sociocracy with Children Pocketbok – 21 Oktober 2021

Engelska utgåvan av Hope Wilder (Författare)

ISBN-10: 1949183106

ISBN-13: 978-1949183108

Listening Sociaty

The Listening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics (Book One) Pocketbok – EveryBook, 10 Mars 2017

Engelska utgåvan av Hanzi Freinacht (Författare)

ISBN-10: 8799973901

ISBN-13: 978-8799973903

Nordic Ideology: A Metamodern Guide to Politics, Book Two Pocketbok – 29 Maj 2019

Engelska utgåvan av Hanzi Freinacht (Författare)

ISBN-10: 8799973928

ISBN-13: 978-8799973927

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships Pocketbok – EveryBook, 1 September 2015

Engelska utgåvan av PhD Rosenberg, Marshall B. (Författare)

ISBN-10: 189200528X

ISBN-13: 978-1892005281

International and European organisations

Organizations we have contact with.

SONEC Europe

Education centers

International courses in sociocracy

Governance Alive